I will be posting my attempts and hopefully, my solutions for the NeetCode 150 roadmap. This post will serve as the “base” document, logging all future posts. There is no fixed timeline as of writing this post, but you can stay up to date through the RSS Feed.
The current plan is to complete the roadmap till Binary Search with solutions in both Java
& C
Table of contents
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The Roadmap
Image taken from the NeetCode website.
The NeetCode 150 is a complied list of LeetCode problems that cover various aspects, and is structured in a way to facilitate learning. View the roadmap for further details!
Arrays & Hashing
Below are the links to the relevant posts for Arrays & Hashing.
- #217 Contains Duplicate.
- #242 Valid Anagram.
- #1 Two Sum.
- #49 Group Anagrams.
- #347 Top K Frequent Elements.
- #238 Product of Array Except Self.
- #36 Valid Sudoku.
- #128 Longest Consecutive Sequence.
Below are the links to the relevant posts for Stack.
- #20 Valid Parentheses.
- #155 Min Stack.
- #150 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation.
- #22 Generate Parentheses.
- #739 Daily Temperatures.
- #853 Car Fleet.
- #84 Largest Rectangle in Histogram.
Two Pointers
Below are the links to the relevant posts for Two Pointers.
- #125 Valid Palindrome.
- #167 Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted.
- #15 3Sum.
- #11 Container With Most Water.
- #42 Trapping Rain Water.
Binary Search
Below are the links to the relevant posts for Binary Search.